English: Printing mobile characters. The plate says The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the.
Other languages:
Bosanski: Pokretna slova za štampanje. Na ploči piše: „Brzi smeđi lisac skače preko lijenog psa i osjeća se kao da je na sedmom nebu tipografije sa Hermann-om Zapf-om, njenim najpoznatijim umjetnikom (The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feel as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the).“
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog and feels as if he were in the seventh
heaven of typography together with Her-
mann Zapf, the most famous artist of the
Dansk: Bogtryk. På trykpladen står følgende engelske tekst: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the.
Deutsch: Schriftsatz aus Lettern in einem Winkelhaken. Der Text lautet: „The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the“
English: Printing mobile characters. The plate says The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the.
Español: Caracteres móviles de imprenta. Sobre la placa puede leerse una frase en inglés: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the. La primera parte es un pangrama, similar a uno de los usados en español («El veloz murciélago hindú comía feliz cardillo y kiwi. La cigüeña tocaba el saxofón detrás del palenque de paja»). La segunda parte se refiere al diseñador de un tipo de fuente Hermann Zapf.
Français : Caractères mobiles d'imprimerie. On peut lire en anglais : Le renard rapide saute par dessus le chien paresseux (équivalent anglophone de « Voix ambiguë d'un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwis. »), comme s'il était dans le septième ciel de la typographie avec Herman Zapf, l'artiste le plus célèbre du.
Italiano: Caratteri mobili di stampa. Sulla piastra si può leggere la seguente frase: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the. La prima parte è un pangramma, mentre la seconda fa riferimento al disegnatore di fontHermann Zapf.
Nederlands: losse blokletters in de vorm van de Engelse tekst "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the.".
Polski: Przykład ruchomej czcionki. Ułożony tekst brzmi: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the.
Português: Tipos móveis justapostos em um componedor. Nela está escrita a seguinte sentença: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the, que quer dizer: A ligeira raposa marrom salta sobre o cachorro preguiçoso e sente-se como se ele estivesse no sétimo paraíso da tipografia junto a Herman Zapf, o mais famoso artista daquela arte.
Русский: Печатная форма, полученная в линотипной машине. Набраны: панграмма
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" а затем "and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the. "
한국어: 금속 활자. 조판된 문장은 판그램.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the.
中文(繁體):活字印刷的字符,印版上的文字為「The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the」(意為敏捷的棕毛狐狸從懶狗身上躍過,並感到猶如與著名藝術家赫爾曼·察普夫一起身處字體排印學的第七天堂)
Сурат давуMetal movable text.jpg
English: Movable type characters for printing. The plate says The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the.
Français : Caractères mobiles d'imprimerie. On peut lire en anglais : Le renard rapide saute par dessus le chien paresseux (équivalent anglophone de « Voix ambiguë d'un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwis. »), comme s'il était dans le septième ciel de la typographie avec Herman Zapf, l'artiste le plus célèbre du.
Это отретушированное изображение, что означает, что первоначальная версия изображения была изменена цифровым способом. Изменения: Cropped image for closer view of the text.. Оригинал доступен по ссылке: Metal movable type.jpg: . Изменения были сделаны Daniel..
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Bewegliche Drucktypen. Der englische Text lautet zu Deutsch "Der schnelle braune Fuchs springt über den faulen Hund und fühlt sich, als ob er im siebenten Himmel der Typographie wäre, zusammen mit Hermann Zapf, dem bekanntesten Künstler des/der"
{{Information |Description={{en|Note: the plate says - "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and feels as if he were in the seventh heaven of typography together with Hermann Zapf, the most famous artist of the"}} {{fr|Caractère